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David Davis participates in a Oxford London Lecture regarding the future protection of your privacy
Oxford London Lecture 2014: Panel discussion
David Davis MP asks an urgent question about the use of torture overseas
David Davis raises the issue of targeted sanctions against Russia in the House of Commons
David Davis MP asks the government to pursue a judge-led inquiry into the mistreatment of detainees
David Davis comments on Britain's outdated surveillance policy on Newsnight
David speaks at the Convention on Modern Liberty 28/2/2009
Putin flirts, Putin sigma rule, Putin body language #sigma #confidence #bodylanguage #putin #shorts
David Davis MP speaks in the House of Commons on secret courts
Every Episode From Series 07 | David Mitchell's The Unbelievable Truth
Peer to Peer and the Music Industry: The Criminalization of Sharing
Daniel Armanios - Inaugural Lecture